
Články kategorie Nezařazené
28.7. 2023

Frequent questions: 2-week course PROZPÍVEJME SE LÉTEM aka Let’s learn Czech through songs

Renča answers frequent questions about 2-week e-mail course PROZPÍVEJME SE LÉTEM aka Let's learn Czech through songs. This course will help you re-fresh/improve your Czech while enjoying variety of activities and songs.

10.5. 2023

Odkud jsi/jste? (aka 3 different ways how to ask people in Czech where they are from + how to answer)

Renča shows 3 ways how to ask in Czech: "Where do you come from?" and how to answer. You will see not only formal, informal and real-life Czech, but also different countries and continents.

20.4. 2023

How is my Spanish? What does my weekly routine look like? Have I improved?

Renča shares her tips and tricks that helped her on her learning journey. She wasn't successful at first. So what has changed?

12.4. 2023

How to ask in Czech: „What date is it today?“ & How to answer

In this article we'll have a look at dates and months in Czech. The dates in Czech are kinda challenging for foreigners. Not only because of numbers, but also because of Czech months. Renča not only shares Standard Czech (= textbook version), but also "real life Czech" (Common Czech - the way we really speak).

29.3. 2023

Greetings & parts of the day in Czech

In this article Renča explains various greetings Czechs use in different parts of the day. She also shows the informal version (Common Czech/Czech slang).

22.3. 2023

What do my students think about 3-month group course? (aka feedback after 7 weeks)

We had a special on-line meeting last week in which we were talking about 3-month group course: about the progress, challenges etc. I also shared some more tips from my own learning journey to make it much easier for my students… What did my students share during the meeting? Let’s have a look. I love that I can study...

9.3. 2023

Frequent questions about my Czech courses

Renča answers frequent questions about her Czech courses.

15.2. 2023

How to ask people about their hobbies in Czech?

Renča shares 3 different ways how to ask people in Czech what they like or they are interested in. She also shows multiple ways how you can answer when you get asked.

8.2. 2023


This episode is about my friend Eva and her family. I created this story in simplified Czech specifically for foreigners who learn Czech. You will practise different forms of Czech verb BÝT (to be) and vocab related to the topic family and talking about yourself. This episode is in Standard Czech. Transcript in Czech and English translation is included.

1.2. 2023

TEST YOURSELF: Czech verb BÝT in a story

Can you complete the gaps in the story with the appropriate form of the Czech verb BÝT in this story? Negatives and questions are also included. Test your Czech with Renča