TEST YOURSELF: Czech verb BÝT in a story

Take this quiz to find out if you are able to choose the correct forms of the verb BÝT (TO BE) correctly:

How did it go? Do you need more explanation? Check this article.

Do you want more challenges? You can test yourself with the verb BÝT (Standard Czech + Common Czech) here.

And here is the article with explanations.

If you want to practise the verb BÝT in a simple story, you can check my YouTube channel. There are different stories in Czech published regularly. The levels vary – from beginners to advanced learners (if you are a total beginner, start with level 0). There is even the story about Eva and her family. If you don’t want to miss a new story, subscribe.

I am a tutor of Czech for foreigners, creator and storyteller. Let me guide you through the fascinating jungle which is called "CZECH LANGUAGE". No worries as I have the best navigation & first aid kit thanks to years and years of teaching and creating unique and effective teaching materials. Renča is an author of multiple courses, eg. 3-month group course of Czech with RENČA (different levels), e-books "How to improve your spoken Czech aka TABOO GAME" and "Hra na tabu (pro děti)" which help people with fluency and enhancing Czech vocabulary in an effective way (learning while playing).

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