Shops in Czech

In this article we will have a look not only at shops in Czech, but also how they change the endings depending on the verb you use. I have created a chart for you to make it more clear much faster.

Not all people are huge fans of supermarkets (or you may be staying in a small town with small shops only)… Therefore knowing what shops are called like in Czech makes your life so much easier, right?

Let’s start with the shops first (places such as a café or petrol station are also included):


(ten) supermarket = supermarket

(ten) butik = boutique

(ten) obchodní dům = department store

(ten) stánek = stall


(ta) kavárna = café

(ta) cukrárna = sweetshop

(ta) lékárna = pharmacy

(ta) rybárna = fishomnger’s

(ta) trafika = newsagent’s/tobacco shop

(ta) optika = optician’s

(ta) benzinová pumpa (benzínka* in Czech slang/Common Czech) = petrol station

(ta) obuv = shoe shop

(ta) restaurace = restaurant

(ta) galanterie = haberdasher’s


(to) zlatnictví/(to) klenotnictví = jeweller’s

(to) řeznictví = butcher’s

(to) knihkupectví = bookshop

(to) papírnictví = stationer’s

(to) květinářství = florist’s

(to) pekařství = bakery

(to) hračkářství = toy shop

(to) zelinářství/ovoce-zelenina = greengrocer’s

(to) elektro = electrical shop


(ty) oděvy = clothes shop

(ty) suvenýry = giftshop

(ty) sportovní potřeby/(ten) sport = sports shop

Are you able to use the right expressions for Czech shops now? And how about the endings?

Do you know they change? I have created this chart for you to make it more clear:

To je … = This is …

Jdu do … = I’m going to …

Jsem v … = I am in …

If you want to practise them in a story, you can watch my YouTube video „OBCHODY V LITOMĚŘICÍCH“(click here).

If you want more support, you can join my group courses. I have created a special program for foreigners in which you learn Czech without drilling grammatical charts. You can find more info here.

I am a tutor of Czech for foreigners, creator and storyteller. Let me guide you through the fascinating jungle which is called "CZECH LANGUAGE". No worries as I have the best navigation & first aid kit thanks to years and years of teaching and creating unique and effective teaching materials. Renča is an author of multiple courses, eg. 3-month group course of Czech with RENČA (different levels), e-books "How to improve your spoken Czech aka TABOO GAME" and "Hra na tabu (pro děti)" which help people with fluency and enhancing Czech vocabulary in an effective way (learning while playing).

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