How to ask in Czech: „What date is it today?“ & How to answer

In this article we’ll have a look at dates and months in Czech. The dates in Czech are kinda challenging for foreigners. Not only because of numbers, but also because of Czech months.

Renča not only shares Standard Czech (= textbook version), but also „real life Czech“ (Common Czech – the way we really speak).

How to ask about the date in Czech?

What’s the date today?

  • Kolikátého je dnes? in Standard Czech
  • Kolikátého je dneska*?/Kolikátýho* je dneska*? in Common Czech (the way we speak in everyday situations = real life Czech = not the textbook version)

How to answer in Czech?


Nevíte, prosím, kolikátého je dnes?

Dnes je 12. 4. 2023. (dvanáctého dubna dva tisíce dvacet tři)


Nevíš, prosim* tě, kolikátýho* je dneska*?

Dneska* je 12. 4. 2023. (dvanáctýho* dubna dva tisíce dvacet tři)

*= Common Czech/Czech slang

To be able to say the date correctly, you need to know numbers in Czech.

What’s so special about Czech dates? Numbers aren’t in nominative case! You need to use genitive.

No worries! It’s not that bad. You will just add the ending -ÉHO to each number:

Months are also in genitive case. So instead of leden (= January) you have to use the form LEDNA:

3. 1. = třetího ledna

You can easily check and learn the right forms (the light blue part) in the chart I have prepared for you.

In Common Czech (= the way we speak in real life), we prefer to use the ending -ÝHO instead of -ÉHO.

You can watch it in this video on YouTube (click here). I show there more examples of Common Czech/Czech slang.

I am a tutor of Czech for foreigners, creator and storyteller. Let me guide you through the fascinating jungle which is called "CZECH LANGUAGE". No worries as I have the best navigation & first aid kit thanks to years and years of teaching and creating unique and effective teaching materials. Renča is an author of multiple courses, eg. 3-month group course of Czech with RENČA (different levels), e-books "How to improve your spoken Czech aka TABOO GAME" and "Hra na tabu (pro děti)" which help people with fluency and enhancing Czech vocabulary in an effective way (learning while playing).

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