We had a special on-line meeting last week in which we were talking about 3-month group course: about the progress, challenges etc. I also shared some more tips from my own learning journey to make it much easier for my students…
What did my students share during the meeting? Let’s have a look.
Yes, there is an interesting mixture of people in my course: from a mum of two babies on maternity leave (who studies mainly between 2 and 4 am while breastfeeding) to people who work shifts or travel a lot.
Who isn’t busy these days? More and more people appreciate that they can decide when and where they can learn.
Each student is different. That’s why
I offer different options.
1. you may realise what works best for you
2. even the best cake becomes mundane when served every single day aka variety is the spice of life 😉
Yes, there is no drilling of grammar charts in my courses.
It was actually funny yesterday when total beginners were surprised that grammar charts exist. They speak Czech without knowing a single one – just like kids do when they learn their mother tongue… 😉
Yes, we don’t start with colours and animals because they won’t be of any help when buying a ticket or ordering. The content of the course is everyday situations from real life. I also share tips how to make life in Czechia easier.
Yes, my courses are intense. Why? Because 1. I value your time, 2. I value your money. I want you to make a real progress in a reasonable amount of time. In my opinion, it’s better to pay money once to taking 3 different courses to get to the same level.
The courses are prepared in the way so that they you can keep coming back, practise and learn. It’s not only about Czech. I am sharing tips and strategies how to learn effectively – what worked and didn’t work on my own learning journey.
I have created it with the intention of it becoming a great source for you even after the course is over.
This question made my day because it showed me that they really like learning with me and the new approach.
Yes, I am working on LEVEL 2 – it just takes months to prepare all the materials.
There will be an extra step in between (they called it LEVEL 1.5 once I explained to them what it was about – and they were excited to join :))
My students replied:
Getting used to all the new apps such as Google Classroom, Quizlet, etc.
Renča reacts:
Yes, it’s a shock at first – but all my students have become masters 😉 (the instructional videos
and my advice helped a lot). They are enjoying the advantages now (eg. learning while waiting for the bus ;))
One of my students:
I haven’t created my own system yet. I am trying different tips from you.
Renča reacts:
That’s normal. Lots of people don’t actually know what works the best for them. It’s good to give it a try, test it and decide 😉
If you want to learn more about my courses, you can read:
this article in which I answer frequent questions (click here)