Are you able to buy vegetables and fruit at the market in Czech? You can test your Czech in these quizzes I have prepared for you.

1. Do you know different kinds of fruit in Czech?

How did it go? Have you written down the words in Czech you didn’t know or weren’t sure? Awesome. You just took an important step to become more fluent. How to get them into your active vocabulary?

One tip: write down sentences if you like them or you don’t like them.

eg. BROSKEV: Mám ráda broskve.

– broskve is the form in plural in accusative form (this form is used eg. after verbs dám si, mám rád(a), chci)

– if you aren’t sure what form is the correct one, you can download 4 handouts (for free) that I have created for you with different kinds of fruit and vegetables (click here)

2. Jeden, jedna or jedno?

Why is it good to know? When you order one piece, you are able to say like a pro:

Jeden ananas. prosím. (masculine)

Jedno zelí, prosím. (neutral)

It is tricky with fem. gender (eg. hruška) because it changes the form: JednU hruškU, prosím.

If you want to be sure, you use the right ending, download the handouts. I have created for you. They show both forms (1 piece as well as the form when ordering something in bigger amounts). You can ask for it here.

3. At the market

In this task you can test your Czech not only with Czech phrases that you may here at the market, but also the endings and forms of the word KILO/KILA.

If you want to practise it more, you can read the article I wrote about buying veggies like a pro (click here).

Or you can go directly to my YouTube channel and watch my video (click here). I have created a story in simplified Czech specifically for foreigners. It will help you refresh/practise phrases and forms I mention in the article.

Would you like to test your Czech in another real life situation? Let me know which one – either you can write it into the comments or via my e-mail: renca@czech-me.com.

And if you want to get your Czech to another level, you can join my group courses. You can find more info here.

I am a tutor of Czech for foreigners, creator and storyteller. Let me guide you through the fascinating jungle which is called "CZECH LANGUAGE". No worries as I have the best navigation & first aid kit thanks to years and years of teaching and creating unique and effective teaching materials. Renča is an author of multiple courses, eg. 3-month group course of Czech with RENČA (different levels), e-books "How to improve your spoken Czech aka TABOO GAME" and "Hra na tabu (pro děti)" which help people with fluency and enhancing Czech vocabulary in an effective way (learning while playing).

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