Kde x kam x kudy x odkud

question words in Czech that keep confusing foreigners: kde x kam x kudy x odkud

(4 Czech question words that keep confusing foreigners)

You may hear these question words quite often in Czech. They can be found in such frequently used questions as: Where do you live? Where do you come from? or Where are you going?

As you can see English isn’t of much help in this case…

Let’s have a look at them and make the differences more clear to you.

1. KDE

= where

We use this question word when we talk about location:

Kde bydlíš? = Where do you live? (informal)

I will show you answers as well. It will make it more clear to you:

Kde bydlíš? – Bydlím v Praze.

(Where do you live? – I live in Prague.)

Kde jsi to koupila? – Na trhu v Litoměřicích.

(Where did you buy it? – At the market in Litoměřice.)

Nevíš, kde jsou moje klíče? – Jsou na stole.

(Don’t you know where my keys are? – They are on the table.)

2. KAM

= where to

We use KAM when we want to express direction:

Kam teď jedeš? = Where are you going (to) now?

That means that you will hear the prepositions DO, NA or K in the reply because I am heading into that direction:

Kam teď jedeš? – Jedu do supermarketu. / Jedu na festival. / Jedu k doktorovi.

(Where are you going now? – I am going to the doctor.)

Kam pojedete na dovolenou? – Pojedeme do Řecka.

(Where will you go on holiday? – We’ll go to Greece.)


= which way

You use this question word when you need to help with directions:

Kudy se dostanu na nádraží, prosím? = Which way do I get to the station, please? (formal)

You may hear such a reply:

Jděte rovně a na křižovatce zahněte doleva. = Go straight and turn left at the intersection.


= where from

You use this question word to ask about where people come from:

Odkud pocházíte? = Where do you come from? (formal)

Odkud jsi? – Jsem z České republiky?

(Where are you from? – informal – I am from the Czech Republic.)

A odkud jsi ty? – Jsem z Austrálie.

(And where are you from? – I am from Australia)

– if the situation is more formal, say:

Odkud jste? = Where are you from?

Jsem ze Skotska. = I am from Scotland.

I hope these example sentences have helped you see the differences and made it more clear when to use each of the 4 question words.

I am a tutor of Czech for foreigners, creator and storyteller. Let me guide you through the fascinating jungle which is called "CZECH LANGUAGE". No worries as I have the best navigation & first aid kit thanks to years and years of teaching and creating unique and effective teaching materials. Renča is an author of multiple courses, eg. 3-month group course of Czech with RENČA (different levels), e-books "How to improve your spoken Czech aka TABOO GAME" and "Hra na tabu (pro děti)" which help people with fluency and enhancing Czech vocabulary in an effective way (learning while playing).

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