
Let's learn CZECH through songs

2-week e-mail course

  • YES
    I am buying an e-mail course that will help me re-fresh/improve my Czech
  • YES
    I will receive 10 Czech songs in 2 weeks (from Monday to Friday) + extra tasks to help me revise on Saturday and Sunday
  • YES
    There is a variety of tasks for each song to help me improve my Czech
  • YES
    I am aware of the fact that this is not an on-line course (no conversational lessons are included)
  • YES
    I will also get several videos in which Renča explains Czech grammar that appears in the songs (eg. ordinal numbers, past tense, etc.)

If you want to issue the invoice as a company and you aren't a VAT registered company, you are obligated to become an identified person after issuing this invoice and you have to provide me with your taxpayer identification number. If you aren't an identified person or you don't want to become one, I recommend you to buy the course as a physical person who doesn't do any business. /

Pokud chcete fakturu vystavit na firmu a nejste plátce DPH, vzniká Vám vystavením faktury povinnost stát se identifikovanou osobou a musíte mi následně dodat své IČ DPH. Pokud identifikovanou osobou nejste nebo se jí stát nechcete, doporučuji koupit si kurz na fyzickou osobu nepodnikatele.

jméno = first name, příjmení = surname, název firmy = name of the company, IČO = CIN (Company Identification Number), DIČ = VAT ID (VAT identification number), ulice = street, město = town, PSČ = postcode/zip code, stát = country

Souhlasím s obchodními podmínkami. = I agree with the terms of trade. 

I like that I can do the tasks when I want or have time.
Gerritabout one of my previous courses
I really appreciate the "slang" and that you focus on how people really speak.
SarahA1 learner from Germany
Thank you for your efforts and creating this course!
AmolA2 learner about my 3-month course

Any help needed?

Contact me via e-mail:

I will do my best to help you.